Wednesday 15 June 2011

Statement of Intent

I purchased some of the Thomas the Tank Engine stamps from my local post office yesterday afternoon. "I think this will be a very popular issue" said the counter clerk enthusiastically as I placed my order.
I couldn't help notice that only two stamps had been removed from the oddly arranged sheets of 24 despite five hours of trading.  Maybe her enthusiasm would have been shared with a wider audience had there been some indication in the office that the stamps were on sale.
At home I examined the purchase and began to prepare my covers and cards. The local evening newspaper arrives and I take a break and return to the real world.
Front page headlines..." Letters slump leads to £120 million loss..JOBS AXE AT STRUGGLING ROYAL MAIL". This follows yesterday's "135 Post Offices to close". I depressingly return to the stamps.
The news plays on my mind. Mail volumes down by 20% over 5 years..further reductions of 5% a year predicted...texting accounts for 50% of all personal messaging... How does philately fit into the restructured future?

   The fat controller tells Toby that Royal Mail has reported a £120 million loss over the year

This calls for action! Something must be done!

I make a three part pledge:
  1. I will call on everyone I know to encourage them to send more mail.
  2. I will seek innovative ways to promote the hobby of philately.
  3. I will canvas and harrass public authorities to make sure they meet their obligation in providing an effective public mail service.
Let's go!

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